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aardvark a large mammal with a long snout, long ears, a long tail, and with long fur mostly around its legs. Aardvarks are active at night, when they use their powerful claws to dig open ant or termite nests. They catch their food with their long, sticky tongue. Aardvarks live in southern and central Africa. Although they are sometimes called anteaters, aardvarks are not closely related to any other kind of mammal.
about on each side of; around. [2/8 definitions]
agitation the act or process of stirring up something, forcing it to move around or back and forth. [1/2 definitions]
air the mixture of gases that is in the space around the earth. People need air to live.
airflow a flow of air, esp. around a moving vehicle, missile, or the like.
all-round all-around.
ambulatory in architecture, an aisle around the end of a church's choir section. [1/5 definitions]
ament1 a dense, drooping cluster of scalelike flowers growing around a spike, found on trees such as poplars, birches, and willows; catkin.
amice an oblong, white linen garment worn by clergymen around the neck and shoulders.
amoeba a tiny living thing made of only one cell. Amoebas move by changing their shape. They eat by wrapping their bodies around their food. Amoebas live in fresh and salt water, soil, and in animals. Most kinds of amoebas can only be seen through a microscope.
amphi- around. [1/2 definitions]
animal one of a large group of living things that is not a plant. Animals can move around by themselves to find food. [1/2 definitions]
anklet a decorative band or chain worn around the ankle. [1/2 definitions]
annular eclipse an eclipse of the sun in which a ring-shaped portion of the sun remains visible around the moon.
annular ligament a ligament in the form of a circle, esp. around the ankle or wrist joint.
annulet an encircling molding, as around the shaft of a column where it joins the capital.
Antarctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator and north of the South Pole.
anticyclone a large system of winds that rotates around a center of high barometric pressure, moving clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern, and usu. producing cool, dry weather. (Cf. cyclone.)
arctic (often capitalized) of or having to do with the region around the North Pole. [2/3 definitions]
Arctic Circle an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator which marks the boundary of the Arctic. North of this line there are periods of continuous night in the winter and continuous day in the summer.
areola in anatomy, a small ring of color, as around a human nipple. [1/2 definitions]