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attain to arrive at or reach. [1/2 definitions]
burst to arrive or come out suddenly. [1/7 definitions]
clock1 to record the time you arrive at or leave work. [1/2 definitions]
c.o.d. abbreviation of "collect on delivery," or "cash on delivery." Ordering an item c.o.d. means that payment is not required until the goods arrive.
come to arrive or enter. [1/3 definitions]
come in to arrive at a destination. [1/4 definitions]
come on to arrive by degrees. [1/7 definitions]
come to (something or someone) to arrive at a particular point, often an undesirable or frightening one. [1/3 definitions]
culminate to arrive at a climax or conclusion (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/2 definitions]
cut one's wisdom teeth to attain maturity; arrive at an age when decisions must be made and discretion practiced.
decide to arrive at a conclusion about or a settlement of; determine. [1/7 definitions]
demythologize to discount or do away with the mythological characteristics or mythical associations of, as in an attempt to arrive at a more realistic understanding.
due required or expected to arrive. [1/3 definitions]
end to arrive at or attain a final condition or goal. [1/18 definitions]
end up to arrive at a place or enter into a situation or course of action as the final choice or final outcome.
gain to arrive at or reach. [1/7 definitions]
get to arrive. [1/8 definitions]
get in to arrive. [1/2 definitions]
get to to arrive at (a destination), or to travel to and arrive at (a destination). [1/5 definitions]
incoming about to arrive or having just arrived. [1/4 definitions]
interrogative a word, phrase, or other expression that is often used to ask a question. "When" is an interrogative in the sentence, "When will they arrive?" [1/2 definitions]