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able having the skill, power, or opportunity that one must have to do a thing. [1/3 definitions]
abstention in parliamentary procedure, a declaration that one intends not to vote on a motion. [1/2 definitions]
account an arrangement that allows one to gain access to a computer, a computer application, or website when one enters a username and password that one has established. [1/16 definitions]
acknowledge to reply to; say that one has received. [1/3 definitions]
ad libitum at one's pleasure (used as a musical direction to indicate that a section so marked may be varied, improvised upon, or omitted, as the performer wishes, or as a stage direction to indicate that the performer may improvise).
adventure participation in exciting or dangerous things, or the feeling that one gets from these experiences. [1/5 definitions]
again used to emphasize an idea that one has earlier expressed in the same conversation, speech, or text. [1/5 definitions]
alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened. [1/2 definitions]
and so forth followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
and so on followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
apologize to say that one is sorry.
apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
apple of one's eye a person or thing that one holds dear or cherishes.
argue to state or claim in support of what one thinks or believes (often followed by a clause beginning with "that"). [1/3 definitions]
ascot a wide scarf or necktie, tied so that one end lies flat on top of the other on the chest.
ashamed to have feelings of shame or embarrassment in connection with what one has or is associated with. [1/3 definitions]
asset a useful or desirable thing that one owns. [1/3 definitions]
at-home a usu. informal reception of visitors and guests at one's home.
at will at one's discretion, wish, or pleasure.
backfire to have results that are the opposite of what one wanted. [1/3 definitions]
back up to return to an earlier point in one's story or account, or give explanatory background to what one is saying. [1/8 definitions]