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alcohol a clear liquid made from certain grains and fruits that has an effect on a person's mind and physical ability. Alcohol is in drinks such as beer and wine. It is also used to make some kinds of medicine. [1/2 definitions]
ale an alcoholic drink that is like beer but more bitter.
barley the grain of this plant. Barley is used to make food and beer. [1/2 definitions]
beer a drink made from grain. Beer contains alcohol. [1/2 definitions]
beery like beer, esp. in taste or smell. [2 definitions]
bitter a dark beer with a somewhat bitter taste. [1/5 definitions]
bock see "bock beer."
bock beer a dark strong beer, the first drawn from vats in the springtime; bock.
boilermaker (informal) a drink of whiskey in or followed by beer. [1/2 definitions]
brasserie an informal restaurant that serves beer as well as food.
brew to make (beer or ale) from malt and hops by a process of steeping, boiling, and fermenting. [4/9 definitions]
brewery a building or plant where beer or ale is brewed.
brewing the occupation, business, or activity of a person who makes beer, ale, or the like. [3 definitions]
butt4 a unit of capacity equal to 126 gallons or about 477 liters, used for measuring beer or wine, or a barrel or cask with this capacity.
chaser (informal) a drink of a mild beverage, such as beer or water, taken after a drink of hard liquor. [1/2 definitions]
chicha a beer of Central and South America made from fermented corn or fruit.
home-brew any alcoholic beverage, esp. beer, that is prepared at home.
hop2 (plural) the dried flowers of this plant, used to make beer. [1/2 definitions]
lager a light, carbonated beer that is stored from six weeks to six months to permit sedimentation.
malt barley that is allowed to sprout, then used to make beer and ale.
malt liquor fermented beer or ale made from malt.