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benefactor one who benefits or helps an individual or an institution, usu. by giving money.
beneficial producing benefits; favorable or advantageous. [2 definitions]
beneficiary one who receives or is designated to receive benefits, as of a will or insurance policy. [1/2 definitions]
benefits something that you get, in addition to money, from your job. Some benefits are health insurance and paid vacation leave. [1/2 definitions]
collective bargaining the bargaining process that occurs between organized workers and their employer to reach an agreement on wages, benefits, hours, and working conditions.
double dipping the practice, often regarded as unethical, of receiving benefits such as salary, pension, or other compensation from two organizations simultaneously.
EBT abbreviation for "electronic benefits transfer." EBT is a government program that gives money for food and other things to people who need it.
-ee one that benefits from or undergoes (such) a thing or action. [1/3 definitions]
entice to lure or tempt, as by calling attention to the possible benefits of an action.
giveback a reduction in workers' salaries, benefits, or rights agreed to by a union during labor negotiations in exchange for some other concession by management or in recognition of depressed economic conditions.
grateful feeling or showing appreciation for kindnesses or benefits; thankful. [1/2 definitions]
gratefully with appreciation for another's kindness or for benefits received.
marriage of convenience a marriage for financial, social, or political benefits rather than personal feelings.
outlaw a person, group, or thing excluded from normal legal protections, rights, and benefits. [1/5 definitions]
parasite a person who receives benefits or hospitality from others but does not give anything in return. [1/2 definitions]
simony the purchase or sale of pardons, benefits, or the like, considered a sin.
spoil (pl.) material goods or other benefits gained by victory, as in warfare or politics. [1/5 definitions]
Title IX the amendment of the U.S. Education Act of 1972, which states that no person may be denied the benefits of a federally-funded educational program or activity because of gender.
tontine an annuity or life insurance plan in which subscribers contribute to and share equally in a common fund, with all benefits going to the last survivor or those surviving past a specified time. [1/2 definitions]
ungrateful not thankful for or appreciative of benefits or favors received.
usufruct in civil law, the right to use or gain the benefits of another's property, provided that one does not damage, waste, or otherwise alter it.