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alongside by the side of; next to; beside. [1/2 definitions]
bedside the space beside a bed, especially of a sick person. [2 definitions]
bottom land lowlands beside, and rich in the deposits of, a river.
by- by or beside; near. [1/2 definitions]
dockside the area beside a dock.
end table a small table, usu. rectangular, placed at either end of a sofa or beside a chair.
epi- beside; near; among. [1/3 definitions]
graveside the area beside a grave. [2 definitions]
hug to stay close to while moving beside or on. [1/4 definitions]
night table a small table or stand kept beside one's bed.
pantile a curved roofing tile laid so the down curve of one tile overlaps with the up curve of the one beside it.
para-1 beside. [1/5 definitions]
past along a course that goes beside and then beyond. [1/7 definitions]
shore1 the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
sidebar a short article that highlights some aspect of the larger news story beside or near which it appears.
tenderloin a strip of esp. tender meat located beside the backbone in beef or pork. [1/2 definitions]
to closely on, against, or beside. [1/15 definitions]