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C1 abbreviation of "Celsius," or "Centigrade," of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water.
Celsius of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which zero degrees is the freezing point and one hundred degrees is the boiling point of water; centigrade. (abbr.: C)
coddle to simmer in water that is almost at the boiling point. [1/2 definitions]
F1 abbreviation of "Fahrenheit," of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water.
Fahrenheit of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F)
high-test of or concerning a high-octane gasoline that has an esp. low boiling point.
low-test of low-octane gasoline, having low volatility and a high boiling point.
Reaumur denoting or of a temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is zero degrees and its boiling point is eighty degrees.
scald to heat (a liquid) to a temperature just below the boiling point. [1/6 definitions]
simmer to cook in a liquid that is kept near the boiling point.
superheat to heat (a liquid) to a temperature above its boiling point without causing vaporization. [1/3 definitions]
vapor in physics or chemistry, particles of a substance distributed as a gas below the substance's actual boiling point. [1/7 definitions]
water vapor water in the form of gas, esp. at a temperature below the boiling point.