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Dictionary Suite
dimension (usu. pl.) overall breadth or range; scope. [1/5 definitions]
handbreadth a unit of length usu. equal to four inches or approximately ten centimeters; hand's-breadth; hand's breadth.
latitude breadth or scope, as of freedom of action or opinion. [1/3 definitions]
long1 of unusual scope or breadth, as of vision or perspective. [1/10 definitions]
narrow having little breadth or width. [1/10 definitions]
nationalize to make national in breadth, scope, or character. [1/3 definitions]
over through or across the breadth of something. [1/29 definitions]
scope the breadth or range of one's view, thoughts, operation, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
universality extreme breadth of interests and skills; mental versatility. [1/2 definitions]
w.2 abbreviation of "width," the length or extent of something from one side to the other; breadth.
width the length or extent of something from one side to the other; breadth. [1/3 definitions]