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bonnet a traditional women's cloth hat with a brim and fastened beneath the chin with ribbons, now worn primarily by infants. [1/6 definitions]
brim to be full to the brim. [2/3 definitions]
brimful full to the brim or top; brimming.
brimless combined form of brim.
brink the edge or brim of a slope or cliff. [1/2 definitions]
cap1 a soft hat with a peak or visor but no brim. [1/5 definitions]
cocked hat a man's hat with a wide brim turned up in two or three flaps toward a pointed crown.
derby a hard hat made of felt with a round top and a curved, narrow brim. [1/2 definitions]
fedora a hat of soft felt, with a curled brim that can be turned up or down and a lengthwise crease in the crown.
hatband a band of cloth placed around the crown of a hat, just above the brim.
homburg a felt hat that has a stiff, shallow, slightly curled brim and a soft creased crown.
morion1 an open, crested metal helmet of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, usu. having a flat or downturned brim.
poke bonnet a bonnet with a brim that projects out at the front.
porkpie a man's hat having a low, flat, circular crown and a snap brim.
skimmer a straw hat with a wide brim and a flat crown. [1/4 definitions]
slouch hat a soft hat having a wide, flexible brim.
snap-brim hat a hat with the crown creased lengthwise and a flexible brim, usu. turned down in front.
sombrero a straw or felt hat that has a wide brim and high crown. Sombreros are worn in Mexico.
southwester a waterproof hat that has an esp. wide brim in the back, usu. made of oilskin, plastic, or canvas. [1/3 definitions]
Stetson trademark for several styles of hat usu. made of felt and esp. in the western style of a high crown and wide brim.
sunbonnet a large fabric hat with a deep brim and a back flap that shield the face and neck from the sun.