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bundle up to dress in warm clothing, esp. bulky clothing.
counter1 a high, flat surface, usu. long and narrow and with a solid or bulky base, at which people sit on stools or stand to transact business, eat, or prepare food. [1/2 definitions]
dray a low but sturdy cart with removable sides that is used for moving bulky or heavy objects. [1/3 definitions]
dumpy2 short and thick; bulky; squat.
foam a lightweight, bulky material with many small airholes, used esp. in packaging or as insulation; Styrofoam. [1/6 definitions]
hippopotamus a very large, bulky, nearly hairless plant-eating African mammal that lives mostly in and close to water.
hoist mechanical means, such as ropes and pulleys or an elevator, for lifting heavy or bulky loads. [1/3 definitions]
hulk a bulky shell of a ship, either old and unseaworthy or abandoned to other uses. [1/3 definitions]
hulking awkwardly large; bulky; unwieldy.
unbulky combined form of bulky.