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Dictionary Suite
aboard on or into a ship, plane, bus, or plane; on board. [1/2 definitions]
bookmobile a library located in a bus or van. A bookmobile travels from place to place to lend books.
bus1 to carry by bus. [2/3 definitions]
busman a person who operates a bus; bus driver.
bus stop a place along a bus route where the bus will stop to let people get on or off the bus.
carfare the money that is paid for a ride in a taxi, bus, or subway.
carryall1 a car or bus with two lengthwise seats. [1/2 definitions]
carsick having a sick feeling while riding in a car, bus, or train.
catch to step inside a bus, train, or airplane in time to ride. [1/4 definitions]
charter a contract to hire a bus, airplane, or ship for the use of a group or a person. [1/4 definitions]
coach a public bus. [1/4 definitions]
conductor the person on a train or bus who collects payment. [1/3 definitions]
depot a bus or train station. [1/2 definitions]
double-decker a bus, ship, or other conveyance that has two tiers or decks for passengers. [1/3 definitions]
fare the price paid to ride on a bus, train, taxi, or airplane.
Freedom Ride any of the bus trips taken by civil rights activists in the 1960s which served to highlight and challenge racial discrimination in the U.S.
Freedom Rider any of the American civil rights activists who participated in the Freedom Rides, which highlighted and challenged racial discrimination in the United States in the early 1960s. Freedom Riders made bus trips through southern states, demonstrating that public facilities that should have been desegregated according to law were not in fact desegregated. Freedom Riders encountered intense violence along their journeys and many suffered arrest by the police.
hail1 to call out or wave to in order to attract the attention of (a taxi, bus, or the like.) [1/4 definitions]
interurban a bus, train, or the like that operates between cities. [1/2 definitions]
limousine a small bus or van used to carry passengers to and from an airport, train station, hotel, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
line1 a transportation system, such as a shipping line, rail line, or bus line, or a particular route taken by vehicles in the system. [1/21 definitions]