aba |
a sleeveless outer garment made of this fabric. [1/2 definitions] |
acacia |
any of several tropical trees of the mimosa family, some of which produce the commercially useful gum arabic. [1/2 definitions] |
accustomed |
habitual; characteristic. [1/2 definitions] |
acid |
in chemistry, of or pertaining to an acid; acidic. [2/7 definitions] |
acolyte |
a person who assists a clergyman in religious services, esp. Roman Catholic. [1/2 definitions] |
acrostic |
of or like an acrostic. [1/2 definitions] |
active |
constantly doing something; busy; energetic. [1/8 definitions] |
Aeschylus |
a Greek dramatist (525-456 B.C.). |
Aesop |
an actual or legendary Greek writer of fables (620?-560? B.C.). |
Agnus Dei |
a prayer in the Roman Catholic or Anglican church beginning with these words, or the accompanying music. [1/2 definitions] |
air |
to speak about, usually in public. [1/6 definitions] |
aircheck |
a recording of a radio broadcast, esp. of music. |
album |
a recording of music that usually contains several pieces of music. [1/2 definitions] |
Alexander the Great |
the king of Macedonia in 336-323 B.C. and conqueror of an empire that included Persia, Egypt, and part of Greece (356-323 B.C.). |
Algonkian |
of, relating to, or designating the later of two geological periods of the Precambrian Era, from approximately 2.5 billion to 600 million years ago, when the first evidence of life appeared; Late Precambrian; Proterozoic. [1/4 definitions] |
alive |
animated; energetic. [1/4 definitions] |
allogenic |
variant of allogeneic. [1/2 definitions] |
Amazon |
a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic. [1/3 definitions] |
Amazon River |
a major river that flows from the Andes in Peru across northern Brazil to the Atlantic. |
ammoniac |
a sharp-smelling gum resin from the stem of an Asian plant, used in perfumes and porcelain cements; gum ammoniac. [1/2 definitions] |
ammonium chloride |
a white crystalline salt used in dry cells, in medicine as an expectorant, and in various industrial applications; sal ammoniac. |