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abacus a device used for counting or calculating. An abacus has beads or other counters that slide along rods or in grooves.
algorism the system of numbering and calculating in Arabic numerals and decimals; decimal system.
calculation the act, process, or result of calculating or making computations. [1/4 definitions]
calculator a machine or computer application used in calculating or computing numbers.
computation a method or system of computing or calculating. [1/3 definitions]
estimation the act or an instance of estimating or calculating approximately. [1/3 definitions]
point in education, a unit used for grading and calculating credits. [1/18 definitions]
reckoning the process of determining by counting, calculating, or estimating. [1/4 definitions]
sea level the surface level of the sea, esp. the mean between high and low tide, which is used as a standard in calculating land elevations and sea depths.
tax-deductible excluded when calculating tax on income.
triangulate to measure or survey by using known angles and distances and calculating according to the properties of triangles. [1/3 definitions]