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Dictionary Suite
campsite a place where one sets up a tent or camper for camping, usually within a campground. [1/2 definitions]
caravan a British word for a vehicle that can be pulled and is used as a camper, home, or office. "Caravan" has the same meaning as "trailer." [1/3 definitions]
duffel the equipment and clothing that a sportsman, camper, or the like carries. [1/2 definitions]
pitch1 the British word for the specific spot of ground on which one sets up a tent or camper for camping. "Pitch" has the same meaning as "campsite." [1/11 definitions]
trailer a vehicle that can be pulled and is used as a camper, home, or office. Many trailers have kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, furniture, and electricity. [1/2 definitions]