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Axminster carpet a type of carpet that has a stiff, ribbed jute backing and a long soft pile of cut wool.
broadloom any carpet woven on a loom wider than four and a half feet. [1/2 definitions]
carpet a covering like a carpet. [2/3 definitions]
carpetbag a traveling bag of heavy fabric, esp. carpet. [1/2 definitions]
carpeting a carpet, or carpets collectively. [1/2 definitions]
ingrain yarn or fiber dyed before being woven, or a carpet made of such yarn. [1/4 definitions]
mat1 a piece of material, esp. a strong carpet fabric such as wool, that is used as a covering to protect a floor or other surface. [1/7 definitions]
Oriental rug any of various handwoven rugs made in Asia, usu. having colorful, intricate designs; Persian rug or carpet.
red carpet a red strip of carpet rolled out for visiting dignitaries. [1/2 definitions]
runner a long, narrow carpet or rug. [1/4 definitions]
wall-to-wall covering all of a room's floor, as a carpet. [1/4 definitions]
Wilton a carpet woven on a Jacquard loom, having a velvety surface made by the cut loops of its pile.