Reverse Search
Reverse Search allows you to search within the full text of dictionary entries for words, word parts, and phrases.
Search for entries that contain:
Exact matches of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or the word "orange."
Any form of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or "apples" or "orange" or "oranges."
Exact matches of all of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" and the word "orange."
The exact sequence of words and/or characters entered in the search box (for example, a fragment of a word, a single word, multiple words, or even a phrase containing punctuation)
Example: Searching for "a variety of apple" identifies all entries that contain that phrase. Searching for "app" identifies all entries that contain the letters "app," such as occurrences of "apple," "application," and "apply."
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Axminster carpet |
a type of carpet that has a stiff, ribbed jute backing and a long soft pile of cut wool. |
broadloom |
any carpet woven on a loom wider than four and a half feet. [1/2 definitions] |
carpet |
a covering like a carpet. [2/3 definitions] |
carpetbag |
a traveling bag of heavy fabric, esp. carpet. [1/2 definitions] |
carpeting |
a carpet, or carpets collectively. [1/2 definitions] |
ingrain |
yarn or fiber dyed before being woven, or a carpet made of such yarn. [1/4 definitions] |
mat1 |
a piece of material, esp. a strong carpet fabric such as wool, that is used as a covering to protect a floor or other surface. [1/7 definitions] |
Oriental rug |
any of various handwoven rugs made in Asia, usu. having colorful, intricate designs; Persian rug or carpet. |
red carpet |
a red strip of carpet rolled out for visiting dignitaries. [1/2 definitions] |
runner |
a long, narrow carpet or rug. [1/4 definitions] |
wall-to-wall |
covering all of a room's floor, as a carpet. [1/4 definitions] |
Wilton |
a carpet woven on a Jacquard loom, having a velvety surface made by the cut loops of its pile. |