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Dictionary Suite
alcazar a fortress or castle of the Moors in Spain.
barbican a defensive tower at the entrance to a town or fortified castle.
battlement (often plural) a wall along the top of a castle, fort, or tower that has openings for people to shoot through.
Blarney stone a stone in Blarney Castle in Ireland, reputed to give the gift of blarney to those who kiss it.
bourg a medieval town or village, esp. near a castle. [1/2 definitions]
castellated constructed with turrets and battlements like a castle. [1/2 definitions]
castle any building resembling a feudal castle. [3/6 definitions]
château a castle or country manor in France.
chatelaine the mistress of a castle or large household. [1/3 definitions]
donjon the fortified inner tower or stronghold of a castle.
drawbridge a bridge built so that it can be raised to allow tall ships to pass beneath or to keep people from crossing over and gaining access, especially to a building such as fortress or castle.
fortification a fortified place or defensive structure, such as a castle or fort. [1/3 definitions]
Himeji a city in southern Honshu, Japan, site of the country's oldest intact castle.
moat a deep ditch dug around a castle, fort, or town for protection against enemies. Moats are usually filled with water.
Mt. Hime also known as Himeyama, site of Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
portcullis a strong, sliding grill suspended at the top of a fortification gateway that can be lowered to prevent entry, as to a castle.
rook2 a chess piece that can move over any number of empty squares sideways or forward and backward; castle.
sandcastle a model of a castle made by molding wet sand at a beach.
turret a small, circular tower on a larger building such as a castle. [1/2 definitions]