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acetate a textile fabric, plastic, or other product made from cellulose acetate. [1/2 definitions]
bulk food, such as cellulose or dietary fiber, that aids digestion. [1/7 definitions]
cellophane a thin, clear material made from cellulose. Cellophane is used to wrap food and other things.
cellulose acetate a resin produced from cellulose, used to make products such as lacquers, photographic film, artificial silks, cigarette filters, and explosives.
cell wall the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell, which is made of cellulose.
film a thin cellulose strip covered with a light-sensitive material, used to make photographic images. [1/11 definitions]
lacquer any of several glossy varnishes made from resin or cellulose and sometimes mixed with a solvent, used as a protective coating for wood and other materials. [1/2 definitions]
nitrocellulose a cottonlike substance made from cellulose treated with nitric and sulfuric acids and used in plastics, explosives, and lacquers.
polysaccharide a carbohydrate such as starch or cellulose that contains molecules with specific combinations and concentrations of simple sugars.
rayon a thread made from cellulose. [1/2 definitions]
roughage food that contains a high proportion of cellulose, which stimulates intestinal functioning.
Scotch tape trademark for a transparent or semitransparent cellulose adhesive tape.
sponge any similar absorbent material made of rubber, cellulose, cotton gauze, or various synthetics, and used for surgical purposes, cleaning, and the like. [1/10 definitions]
viscose a viscous solution of treated cellulose used in making such products as rayon and cellophane. [1/4 definitions]