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allege to state with certainty; declare. [1/3 definitions]
ascertain to come to know (some information) with complete certainty, especially through a process of investigation; determine.
beyond the shadow of a doubt with complete certainty; indeed.
certify to affirm the accuracy or certainty of, esp. in a formal manner; confirm. [1/5 definitions]
certitude an established certainty. [1/2 definitions]
ensure to cause to be a certainty. [1/2 definitions]
fog a condition of mental confusion or lack of certainty. [1/4 definitions]
go without saying to be so clearly true or evident that there is no need to mention (something); used to emphasize one's certainty about or the obviousness of something.
guarantee to make (something) a certainty; ensure. [1/11 definitions]
incertitude lack of confidence or certainty; doubt.
modal auxiliary an auxiliary verb, such as "can," "may," "must," or "should," that is used to modify the meaning of a main verb by including such notions as necessity, possibility, certainty, capability, advisability, potential, and expectation.
must1 used to express, with certainty, some opinion or thought that is based just on what seems logical. [1/4 definitions]
or used to indicate different possibilities because of lack of certainty. [1/5 definitions]
strongly with great certainty or passion.
supposed assumed to be true, without factual certainty. [1/5 definitions]
surety something that is certain or sure; certainty. [1/3 definitions]
uncertain not knowing with certainty; not sure. [1/3 definitions]
uneasy characterized by mental discomfort, awkwardness, or lack of certainty; troubled or uncertain. [1/3 definitions]
verily confidently; with certainty. [1/2 definitions]