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alpha particle a positively charged particle given off as radiation from some fission or decay processes, consisting of two protons and two neutrons.
anion a negatively charged ion.
ATM card a plastic card that enables the holder to access an automated teller machine to obtain cash drawn from or charged against a bank account.
bench warrant an order issued by a judge or court for the apprehension of someone charged with a crime.
carfare the amount charged for public transportation, as on a city bus.
collider in nuclear physics, a type of accelerator in which occurs the bombardment of certain charged particles by certain others, such as electrons and positrons; colliding-beam machine.
cosmic rays streams of high-energy charged atomic nuclei or other particles that enter the earth's atmosphere from outer space.
cost the amount of money charged or paid for something.
court the assembly charged with hearing such cases. [1/9 definitions]
cover charge a fixed amount charged by nightclubs and restaurants in addition to the price of food and drink, often used to defray the cost of live entertainment or music.
culprit a person who is charged with or is guilty of doing something wrong. [1/2 definitions]
cyclotron a device for accelerating charged particles to very high energies in a spiral path using a fixed magnetic field and an alternating electric field.
drama a television show or film that is serious in nature and depicts emotionally-charged situations using fictional characters. (Cf. comedy.) [1/5 definitions]
electric charged with tension or expectation. [1/4 definitions]
electricity a physical phenomenon caused by the movement of certain charged particles such as electrons, esp. between points having different electrical charges, and seen in naturally occurring phenomena such as lightning and magnetic attraction and repulsion. [1/4 definitions]
electron a negatively charged particle, considered a fundamental unit of matter, that exists independently or outside the nucleus of an atom.
faraday a unit of electric charge, used in electrolysis, that is equal to the amount carried by one mole of singly charged ions or 96,485 coulombs.
finance charge an amount charged by a person or business that lends money.
fine2 an amount of money charged as a punishment for a crime or offense.
freight goods or cargo shipped by commercial transport, or the fee charged for such shipping. [1/6 definitions]
haulage the fee charged for transporting goods.