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baroreceptor a nerve ending sensitive to blood pressure that helps regulate the dilation of blood vessels in the circulatory system.
bloodstream the blood flowing within the circulatory system of a living organism.
circulatory of or pertaining to the circulatory system, the system of bodily organs, including the heart, arteries, and veins, that send blood and lymph throughout the body and return it to the heart.
heart the organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system of a person or animal. [1/8 definitions]
hemodynamic pertaining to the flow of blood in the circulatory system.
hemodynamics the flow of blood in the circulatory system, or the study of blood flow.
sap1 the fluid that carries nutrients throughout the circulatory systems of plants, esp. trees. [1/4 definitions]
shock1 a failure of the circulatory system caused by serious injury or illness, characterized by depression of various vital signs. [1/9 definitions]
shunt a connection between blood vessels, or between parts of the circulatory system, esp. a bypass created surgically. [1/10 definitions]
thrombosis an abnormal clotting of blood in the circulatory system.
yolk sac a similar organ in the human embryo that functions as the circulatory system until internal circulation begins. [1/2 definitions]