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Dictionary Suite
acuminate tapering to a sharp point, as a leaf or claw; pointed. [1/2 definitions]
chela a pincerlike claw of a hard-shelled animal such as a lobster or scorpion.
claw a part that looks or acts like a claw. [1/2 definitions]
dewclaw a small nonfunctioning claw, hoof, or digit in the upper foot of some mammals.
fiddler crab any of various small burrowing crabs found along coastal regions, the male of which has one front claw much larger than the other.
lark1 a songbird with a long hind claw and a musical song. There are many kinds of larks.
laverock a primarily Scottish word for "lark," a kind of songbird with a long hind claw and a musical song.
pincers a claw of an animal, such as a crab, that resembles such a tool. [1/2 definitions]
pounce the talon or claw of a carnivorous bird. [1/4 definitions]
talon a claw of a bird or animal.
thorn something similar in shape to a claw or needle that sticks out from the stem of a plant or branch. [1/2 definitions]
unguis a nail, claw, or hoof, or a structure that resembles a claw.
velociraptor a carnivorous, bipedal dinosaur of the genus Velociraptor, having feathers, a long tail, and a sickle-shaped claw on each hind foot.
wrecking bar a small crowbar with a claw at one end and a point or curve used as a lever at the other.