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Dictionary Suite
ahem a sound as of clearing the throat, used to attract notice, express doubt, or fill in a pause.
billhook a sharp curved or hooked tool used for pruning, cutting, and clearing brush.
busboy a man or boy who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like.
busgirl a woman or girl who works in a restaurant setting tables, clearing dishes, or the like.
clearance the act of clearing. [1/2 definitions]
glade a clearing in a forest.
hem2 the noise or act of clearing the throat or coughing slightly in order to get attention, suggest doubt, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
slash-and-burn of or indicating a method of clearing land in which trees and vegetation are cut down and then burned.
snake a long piece of flexible metal wire for clearing blocked drains. [1/6 definitions]
snowplow a machine or vehicle with a large shovel or blade for clearing snow from streets, highways, runways, or driveways.
wiper an implement or device for clearing water and dirt from glass, as on a windshield. [1/3 definitions]