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acclimate to become used to a new climate or situation. [2 definitions]
Arabian of, having to do with, or characteristic of Arabia or its desert climate. [1/3 definitions]
carboniferous (cap.) of, relating to, or designating the geological time period between the Devonian and Permian of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 350 million to 280 million years ago, when the warm damp climate produced many forests that later formed rich coal deposits. [1/3 definitions]
climate change any very significant change in Earth's climate. [2 definitions]
everglade a very large swamp in a warm climate. Rivers or streams flow slowly through an everglade, and tall, thick grass grows throughout.
fundament the geographic features of a region, such as elevation, climate, soils, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
geography the study of the earth's surface, climate, land forms, and bodies of water. [1/2 definitions]
inequality variability, as of climate or character. [1/5 definitions]
inhospitable of a place or climate, not offering shelter or a favorable condition or aspect; barren; forbidding. [1/2 definitions]
macroclimate the climate of a very large region such as a nation.
meteorological of or pertaining to the atmosphere, weather, or climate. [1/2 definitions]
microclimate the climate of a small, specific, or partial area rather than that of the whole, as of a city or greenhouse. (Cf. macroclimate.)
migrate to change habitat or location periodically as in response to changes in climate or employment opportunities. [1/2 definitions]
monkey a small, intelligent mammal in the same family as humans. Monkeys live in places with a warm climate.
paleoclimate the earth's climate in a former geologic time period.
physical geography the branch of geography concerned with the earth's land masses, oceans, and climate, and the distribution of plant and animal species.
physiography the science that deals with the natural features, structure, and phenomena of the earth's surface, such as climate and the distribution of plants and animals; physical geography.
region an area of the earth's surface that has a certain type of land and climate.
rigor severity or harshness of living conditions, climate, or other circumstances. [1/6 definitions]
the1 used before nouns of climate or natural forces when these concepts are seen as universally identifiable. [1/11 definitions]
the tropics the region of the earth that is near the equator and that is known for having a hot climate.