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Dictionary Suite
cloverleaf a set of interchange roads, patterned like a four-leaf clover, at the intersection of two highways that are on different levels. [2 definitions]
club a black clover-shaped figure on a playing card, or a card bearing such a figure. [1/7 definitions]
Dicumarol a white crystalline powder, produced synthetically or from sweet clover, used in medicine to prevent blood from clotting; dicoumarin.
four-leaf clover a clover with four leaflets, regarded as a sign of good luck.
hay grass, clover, alfalfa, or the like that is cut, dried, and stored for animal food. [2/6 definitions]
sapsago a strong, firm cheese made from skim milk and flavored with sweet clover.
trefoil any design, ornamentation, or structure in the shape of a three-part clover leaf. [2/3 definitions]
trifoliolate having three leaflets, or having leaves that have three leaflets, as clover.
white clover a clover that bears white flowers and is found in pastures and meadows.