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barista a person whose job is to prepare and serve different types of coffee drinks, esp. in a café or coffee house.
berry any of various dried seeds or kernels, such as wheat or coffee. [1/5 definitions]
black of coffee, taken without cream or milk. [1/13 definitions]
brown having the color of coffee beans or chocolate. [1/2 definitions]
café an informal restaurant, coffee shop, or barroom that usually specializes in simple meals, coffees, and desserts.
café au lait hot coffee mixed with an equal amount of hot or scalded milk. [1/2 definitions]
café noir black coffee (French); coffee without milk or cream.
caffeine a substance in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some other foods. Caffeine can make your heart beat fast and keep you awake.
canister a small, usu. metal container for dry substances such as flour or coffee. [1/2 definitions]
cappuccino espresso coffee mixed with steamed milk and often topped with cinnamon or chocolate and whipped cream.
chicory a blue-flowered perennial plant whose leaves are used in salads and whose large root is often roasted and ground and added to coffee. [1/2 definitions]
cocktail table a low table, usu. placed in living rooms within easy reach of surrounding seats, on which drinks and refreshments can be set; coffee table.
coffee break a short rest from work, usu. in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for coffee or other refreshments.
coffeecake a sweet, breadlike cake, often containing nuts or raisins and served with coffee.
coffeehouse a small, informal restaurant that specializes in coffee and light meals, and to which its patrons often come to socialize, listen to music, read, or the like; café.
coffee klatsch an informal social gathering at which coffee is served.
coffeepot a pot for making or serving coffee.
coffee shop a small restaurant that specializes in serving coffee, snacks, and light meals.
continental breakfast a light breakfast, usu. consisting of rolls or pastries and coffee or tea, like that eaten in most European countries.
creamer a white liquid manufactured to taste and look similar to natural cream, used especially in coffee or tea. [1/2 definitions]
cup a small, wide-mouthed container used for drinking such things as coffee or tea. [1/7 definitions]