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abolishable combined form of abolish.
absorbable combined form of absorb.
abstractable combined form of abstract.
accomplishable combined form of accomplish.
accreditable combined form of accredit.
actionless combined form of action.
addable combined form of add.
addressable combined form of address.
adsorbable combined form of adsorb.
affirmable combined form of affirm.
affixable combined form of affix.
agendaless combined form of agenda.
aggregate added up, combined, or considered as a whole. [1/6 definitions]
Aldebaran an orange binary star in the constellation Taurus, having a combined magnitude of 0.9.
alloy a combined form of two or more metals, or of a metal with a nonmetal, sometimes using an inferior ingredient with a more costly one. [1/5 definitions]
Alpha Centauri a double star in the constellation Centaurus, the closest star to the solar system, having a combined magnitude of -0.3.
amendable combined form of amend.
anchorless combined form of anchor.
angerless combined form of anger.
Antares a red binary star in the constellation Scorpius, having a combined magnitude of 1.0.
antiacademic combined form of academic.