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boggle to overcome with the complexity or difficulty of something. [1/4 definitions]
Byzantine (sometimes l.c.) characterized by complexity and intrigue, as the politics of the Byzantine Empire. [1/3 definitions]
complication an element or factor, often unexpected, that adds complexity to a thing or situation. [1/3 definitions]
convolution a complexity of coils, twists, and folds. [2/4 definitions]
crude lacking complexity; simple. [1/7 definitions]
degrade to break down the chemical complexity of (a substance); cause decomposition. [1/8 definitions]
dense difficult to understand because of complexity or volume of detail. [1/4 definitions]
depth intellectual complexity. [1/8 definitions]
developing gaining in size, maturity, or complexity.
enterprise an undertaking, esp. one characterized by complexity, risk, or wide scope; venture. [1/3 definitions]
intricacy an instance of such complexity. [1/2 definitions]
involution complexity or intricacy. [1/4 definitions]
labyrinth anything like a maze in its intricacy or complexity. [1/3 definitions]
more than meets the eye an unexpected depth, complexity, or other such quality.
pap something considered to lack the substance and complexity suitable for adults, esp. written, artistic, or entertainment material. [1/2 definitions]
sophistication the quality or condition of having worldly knowledge, elegant refinement, or technological complexity. [1/2 definitions]