Reverse Search
Reverse Search allows you to search within the full text of dictionary entries for words, word parts, and phrases.
Search for entries that contain:
Exact matches of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or the word "orange."
Any form of any of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" or "apples" or "orange" or "oranges."
Exact matches of all of the individual words entered in the search box.
Example: Searching for "apple orange" identifies all entries that contain the word "apple" and the word "orange."
The exact sequence of words and/or characters entered in the search box (for example, a fragment of a word, a single word, multiple words, or even a phrase containing punctuation)
Example: Searching for "a variety of apple" identifies all entries that contain that phrase. Searching for "app" identifies all entries that contain the letters "app," such as occurrences of "apple," "application," and "apply."
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airbrake |
a brake or brake system operated by the force of compressed air against a piston. |
air curtain |
a draft of compressed air blown continuously across a doorway, usu. downward, to act as a door in maintaining interior temperature. |
air gun |
a gun that is operated by compressed air and usu. fires small pellets. [2 definitions] |
air pressure |
the pressure of compressed air, as in a tire or pump, or the pressure of the earth's atmosphere. |
air rifle |
a rifle operated by compressed air, used to fire small pellets or the like. |
Bessemer process |
a process for making steel by blasting hot compressed air through molten pig iron to remove impurities. |
diesel |
shortened form of "diesel engine," a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat. [1/3 definitions] |
diesel engine |
a type of internal-combustion engine that burns fuel oil which is ignited by being sprayed into a chamber in which highly compressed air, rather than an electric spark, provides the heat. |
fireflood |
a procedure designed to increase the flow of oil from an oil well by injecting compressed air into the ground and burning some of the oil. |
jackhammer |
a hand-held device powered by compressed air, used to drill rock, cement, or the like; pneumatic drill. |
pneumatic |
filled with air, esp. compressed air; inflated. [1/5 definitions] |
popgun |
a toy gun from which a pellet or cork is shot by compressed air with a loud pop. |
ramjet |
a jet engine powered by a stream of compressed air that is forced out faster than it is taken in during forward motion of the plane. |
turbocharger |
a device attached to an internal-combustion engine that uses the exhaust gases to power a turbine that drives a supercharger that supplies compressed air to the cylinders. |