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apperception perception that the mind is aware and conscious of. [1/2 definitions]
appreciate to understand and be very conscious of. [1/4 definitions]
apprehend to understand the meaning of, esp. immediately and without conscious thought processing. [1/4 definitions]
automatism automatic, mechanical, or involuntary action, as in the operation of many bodily organs, in the actions of one not in conscious control, such as a sleepwalker, or in the suspension of conscious control so as to allow subconscious expression, as in art. [1/2 definitions]
aware knowing or conscious.
bashful timid or self-conscious in the presence of others; shy. [1/2 definitions]
blackout loss of being conscious. [1/2 definitions]
blush to become red in the face as an involuntary expression of shame, confusion, or other self-conscious discomfort. [1/7 definitions]
bring around to restore to conscious awareness. [1/2 definitions]
cerebrum the region of the brain comprising the largest area, acting to coordinate voluntary movement and control conscious mental activity.
consciousness the state or quality of being conscious or aware. [1/3 definitions]
ego the conscious mind. [1/5 definitions]
embarrass to shame, disconcert, make ill at ease, or make painfully self-conscious. [2/5 definitions]
fugue a mental condition in which a person performs conscious actions of which he or she later has no recollection. [1/2 definitions]
hang on to persevere in a difficult situation, or fight to survive or remain conscious. [1/6 definitions]
hyperconscious combined form of conscious.
intent1 conscious plan; aim; intention. [1/2 definitions]
involuntary not on purpose; without conscious control; automatic. [1/2 definitions]
nonconscious combined form of conscious.
nonego anything that is not considered to be part of the conscious self or ego. [1/2 definitions]
oblivious not conscious or paying attention; unknowing or unaware (usu. fol. by "to" or "of"). [1/2 definitions]