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according to in agreement with or consistent with. [1/2 definitions]
agree to be consistent; conform; match (often fol. by "with"). [1/6 definitions]
cohere to be connected by reason; be consistent. [1/2 definitions]
coherent logically ordered or connected; consistent. [1/2 definitions]
compatible consistent; congruous. [1/2 definitions]
consequent following as a logical conclusion; logically consistent or correct. [1/3 definitions]
consistently in a consistent manner; in accordance with the established pattern.
constitutional consistent with the principles of a constitution. [1/4 definitions]
due process an established set of legal procedures and methods designed to protect citizens against arbitrary action by the government. U.S. law dictates that all judicial action must follow these consistent procedures and safeguards in order to protect the rights of individuals.
incompatible not matching; not consistent. [1/2 definitions]
incongruous not consistent. [1/3 definitions]
inconsequent not consistent with the general character or quality of something. [1/4 definitions]
jibe3 (informal) to be consistent or in agreement.
of a piece of the same kind; practically alike; consistent.
pure clear and consistent, as a perfect musical tone. [1/8 definitions]
regular consistent; unvarying. [1/12 definitions]
smooth consistent in texture; not lumpy. [1/14 definitions]
stable1 consistent or steady in character, mood, or behavior; not flighty or insane. [1/4 definitions]
true consistent with a rule, standard, or principle. [1/13 definitions]
uneven not regular or changing in quality; not consistent. [1/5 definitions]
uniform unvarying; consistent. [1/5 definitions]