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abridge to shorten without removing basic contents; condense. [1/2 definitions]
abridged having been shortened without removing the most essential contents; condensed.
adiabatic of, relating to, or denoting a process that occurs without loss or gain of heat, such as a change in the volume or pressure of the contents of a container.
antiperistalsis reverse movement in the intestines, alimentary canal, or similar organs, causing the contents of these organs to move backwards.
appellation contrôlée (sometimes caps.) a designation on the labels of certain French wines or liquors, certifying that the contents meet prescribed standards. [1/2 definitions]
bare lacking the usual accessories or contents. [1/6 definitions]
basket the contents of such a container. [1/3 definitions]
beaker the contents of a beaker. [1/3 definitions]
bowl1 the contents of such a dish. [1/6 definitions]
box1 the amount contained in or the contents of a box; boxful. [1/9 definitions]
bushel1 a container with such a capacity, or the contents of such a container. [1/5 definitions]
can2 the contents of such a container. [1/9 definitions]
capsule a gelatinous case for medicine, or such a case together with its contents, that dissolves when swallowed. [1/7 definitions]
card file the contents of such a container, or several such, usu. arranged in alphabetical or other order. [1/2 definitions]
cartload the capacity or contents of a cart.
carton the contents of such a box. [1/2 definitions]
case2 a box and its contents, esp. a commercial product. [1/5 definitions]
cask the contents of such a barrel. [1/3 definitions]
casserole the edible contents of such a dish. [1/3 definitions]
cell membrane the semipermeable membrane that encloses the contents of a cell; plasma membrane.
collective unconscious in Jungian psychology, the memories and other psychic contents that are accumulated by the experience of all preceding generations and that dwell within the unconscious mind of each individual.