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aftertaste a lingering sensation, usu. of taste, sometimes continuing after its cause is gone. [1/2 definitions]
antipathy a deep, continuing dislike; aversion; hatred. [1/2 definitions]
autumn the season of the year between summer and winter, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the September equinox to the December solstice; fall.
be used with a present participle to show a continuing action. [1/6 definitions]
boom1 a continuing, deep reverberation or rumbling. [1/7 definitions]
coast to move without continuing to expend effort or energy. [1/7 definitions]
continuance the act of continuing; continuation. [1/4 definitions]
continuation the act of continuing. [1/4 definitions]
determination the quality of continuing to work at something even when it is difficult. [1/2 definitions]
emeritus retired but continuing to hold as an honorary title the one held just prior to retirement. [1/2 definitions]
eternal seeming to have no end; continuing over a very long time; interminable. [1/4 definitions]
extended prolonged or continuing over a period of time. [1/3 definitions]
flunk to give a failing grade to, or prohibit from continuing in a course or school because of such failure. [1/3 definitions]
forever continuing for all time.
heir a person perceived as continuing a particular tradition or style. [1/2 definitions]
inveterate firmly established after continuing for some time, as a chronic illness. [1/2 definitions]
itch a restless, continuing desire. [1/5 definitions]
kickoff a kick in football that puts the ball into action and signals the beginning or continuing of the game. [1/2 definitions]
lasting continuing for a long time, not ending.
lifelong continuing throughout the whole of one's life.
long-drawn-out continuing or lasting for a long time; prolonged.