abandon |
a state in which emotions or impulses control one completely. [1/6 definitions] |
absolute power |
complete control over someone or something, esp. of a government or ruler over his citizens. |
aileron |
a movable flap on the rear edge of an airplane's wing, used to control rolling and banking. |
airship |
a lighter-than-air aircraft, with its own propulsion system and steering control. |
amok |
in a murderous frenzy; violently out of control. [1/2 definitions] |
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
a disease that causes loss of control in muscle movement because of the degeneration of nerve cells; Lou Gehrig's disease. |
anarchic |
devoid of control or order; lawless. [1/2 definitions] |
antihypertensive |
acting or tending to control hypertension. [1/2 definitions] |
aquaplane |
of a vehicle or tire, to skid over water without the adequate traction for control. (Cf. hydroplane.) [1/3 definitions] |
aquatint |
a type of etching that achieves the soft sweeping tones of a wash drawing or watercolor by careful control of the length of time acid is left on any given area of the etching plate. |
atropine |
a toxic extract of belladonna used to control spasms and pain and to enlarge the pupils of the eye. |
at the wheel |
in control; directing. [1/2 definitions] |
authority |
the right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people. [1/3 definitions] |
automate |
to control or carry out using mechanical or electronic devices. [1/3 definitions] |
automatism |
automatic, mechanical, or involuntary action, as in the operation of many bodily organs, in the actions of one not in conscious control, such as a sleepwalker, or in the suspension of conscious control so as to allow subconscious expression, as in art. [1/2 definitions] |
autonetics |
(used with a sing. verb) the science of the use and development of automated devices used for control and guidance. |
an aircraft fitted with a radome and carrying sophisticated radar and computer equipment, used for reconnaissance and for directing ground forces, or a warning system employing such aircraft (acronym for "Airborne Warning and Control System"). |
ball handler |
a player, esp. in basketball, whose position requires him or her to touch and control the ball, or one who handles the ball on a particular play. [1/2 definitions] |
bate |
to moderate or control; restrain. [1/3 definitions] |
beta blocker |
any of a class of drugs that inhibit the absorption of adrenalin and the activity of the autonomic nervous system, and are used to control the heartbeat and relieve angina and hypertension. |
birth control |
control of the number and timing of children born, esp. through the use of contraceptive devices or drugs. |