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according to Hoyle according to the rules; correctly.
accurately correctly or precisely; without making any mistakes.
aright so as to be right; correctly.
breakdown a failure to work or run correctly. [1/2 definitions]
distinguish to correctly discern the identity of (each of two or more things) by recognizing how they are different (often fol. by "from"). [1/5 definitions]
go1 to typically or correctly accompany (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/28 definitions]
guess to figure out correctly without knowing for certain. [2/4 definitions]
jawbreaker (informal) a usu. long word that is difficult to say correctly. [1/2 definitions]
misapprehend to fail to understand correctly; misunderstand.
miscarriage a failure to function correctly or achieve the right or desired results. [1/2 definitions]
misconstrue to fail to correctly understand the meaning of; misinterpret.
misfire to fail to detonate or go off correctly, as an explosive or gun. [1/3 definitions]
misunderstand to fail to understand correctly; give the wrong meaning to.
misunderstanding a failure to understand correctly. [1/2 definitions]
misunderstood not understood correctly. [1/2 definitions]
miter box a boxlike structure used in carpentry, having slots to position a saw correctly in making angled cuts.
myopia mental shortsightedness, or failure to perceive adequately or correctly some effect or consequence. [1/2 definitions]
properly correctly. [1/3 definitions]
rather more correctly or accurately. [1/4 definitions]
right correctly. [1/10 definitions]
true correctly placed or formed. [1/13 definitions]