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amputate to cut off, especially by surgery.
behead to cut off the head of.
cantle a portion or corner, as of land, cut off from a larger whole. [1/2 definitions]
chamfer to cut off a corner or edge of; create a chamfer. [1/2 definitions]
cleave2 to cut off, as with an ax. [1/6 definitions]
clip1 to cut off, cut out, or trim with scissors or shears. [3/5 definitions]
clipping a piece cut off or from.
crew cut a haircut in which the hair is cut off very short.
crop to cut off the top or ends of. [1/7 definitions]
curtail to make shorter; cut off part of.
decapitate to cut off the head of; behead.
Delilah according to the Old Testament, Samson's mistress, who cut off his hair, which was the source of his superhuman strength, and delivered him to his enemies the Philistines.
dissever to separate, cut off, or sever. [1/3 definitions]
dock2 to cut short or cut off (hair, or an animal's ears or tail). [1/3 definitions]
frustum the bottom part of a cone that remains after the top portion is cut off with a plane parallel to the base. [1/2 definitions]
headhunter a member of any of certain tribes of people who cut off and preserve the heads of slain enemies as trophies. [1/2 definitions]
hew to cut off or cut down with, or as though with, an ax. [1/4 definitions]
hiccup a sudden, spasmodic inhalation that is cut off by the involuntary closing of the windpipe. [1/4 definitions]
leech a kind of worm that lives in water or mud and sucks blood from animals. Leeches were once used in medicine to draw blood from people. Leaches are still sometimes used to prevent blood from clotting when reattaching fingers and toes that have been cut off.
lop1 to chop or cut off (a part or parts), esp. from a plant or animal. [2/3 definitions]
nip1 to cut off by clipping, pinching, or biting. [2/8 definitions]