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anymore (regional) nowadays; these days. [1/2 definitions]
Apr. abbreviation of "April," the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
April the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty days.
Aug. abbreviation of "August," the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
August the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
bender (slang) an extended period of drinking or drug use, usu. lasting two or more days. [1/2 definitions]
bris the Jewish practice of circumcising boys eight days after birth; Brith; Brith Milah
Brith Milah (Hebrew) the Jewish practice of circumcising boys eight days after birth; Brith; Berith.
calendar a chart of the days, weeks, and months of one or more years. [1/4 definitions]
camp meeting a religious gathering, usu. held over several days, taking place either outdoors or inside a tent.
collation a small meal, esp. one allowed on days of fasting in certain Christian denominations. [1/2 definitions]
colostrum the yellowish milk secreted by a female mammal in the first few days after the birth of young, that is esp. rich in immune factors and protein.
day after day on each day for a certain period of days.
day in, day out every day without change; continuously over an indefinite number of days.
Dec. abbreviation of "December," the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
decathlon an athletic contest in which each participant competes in ten different track and field events over a period of two days.
December the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
Deuteronomy the fifth book of the Old Testament, which contains a restatement and exposition of the laws of Moses, his addresses to the Israelites, and an account of his last days.
dog days the hot, humid days of July and August, when the Dog Star, Sirius, rises and sets with the sun.
fair2 a gathering at which farm animals and farm produce are judged, usu. held over several days and including games and amusements. [1/3 definitions]
Feb. abbreviation of "February," the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.