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curse to cause to suffer a misfortune, as if by destiny or a magical spell. [1/9 definitions]
doom an event or end that one cannot escape; fate; destiny. [1/2 definitions]
fate an ending or outcome that had to happen because of this power; destiny. [2/3 definitions]
fortune a person's destiny, or the results of experiences during a person's life. [1/3 definitions]
karma destiny; fate. [1/3 definitions]
kismet destiny, fortune, or fate.
Manifest Destiny the nineteenth century belief that justified American imperialistic expansion by asserting that it was the destiny and duty of the United States to expand its territory throughout North America.
own one's property, inheritance, destiny, or what is felt to be one's due or potential. [1/6 definitions]
predestination a predetermined future; fate; destiny. [1/3 definitions]
star (usu. pl.) in astrology, a planet or arrangement of planets thought to have an impact on one's destiny. [1/11 definitions]
ticket to note a destination or destiny for, as though written on a ticket. [1/10 definitions]