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Dictionary Suite
butler's pantry a serving area between a dining room and a kitchen, for use by a butler or maid.
cafeteria a dining hall or restaurant in which customers choose or are served their food at a counter. The customers then carry the food on trays to their tables.
canopy a suspended covering, usu. of fabric held up on poles, as over a bed, dining area, ceremonial area, or walkway. [1/5 definitions]
centerpiece an ornament or decoration occupying a central location, esp. the center of a dining table.
common (pl.) a large dining hall, as at a college. [1/9 definitions]
deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]
diner the dining car of a railroad train. [1/3 definitions]
dinette a small section of a room, esp. of a kitchen, that is used as an informal dining area; breakfast nook. [1/2 definitions]
pass-through a windowlike opening in a wall, used to pass food from the kitchen to the dining room.
patio a paved area next to a house that is used for dining or relaxing outdoors.
refectory an institutional dining hall, as in a monastery or a college.
sideboard a standing chest of table height, with drawers and cupboards, usu. placed along the wall of a dining room to store table linens, dishes, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
side chair an armless chair, usu. one of a set of such chairs for a dining table.
table of, relating to, or suitable for a dining table. [1/11 definitions]
tablecloth a cloth laid over a dining table to protect its surface during a meal.
tableware the silverware, glasses, plates, and the like, used for the dining table.
training table a table or dining hall where athletes eat specially prepared meals.
wardroom the living quarters, dining room, and recreation area for commissioned officers on a warship. [1/2 definitions]