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adjourn to end or temporarily discontinue the proceedings of (a meeting or the like). [2/3 definitions]
break off to terminate or discontinue (something previously binding). [1/4 definitions]
can2 (informal) to put a stop to or discontinue. [1/9 definitions]
cut out (informal) discontinue. [1/4 definitions]
disengage to discontinue fighting. [1/4 definitions]
do away with to abolish, discard, or discontinue. [1/2 definitions]
prorogue to discontinue a session of (a legislative body). [1/2 definitions]
separate to discontinue living together as a married couple, either prior to or without obtaining a divorce. [1/12 definitions]
step back to discontinue some action in order to consider what one is doing more calmly or objectively.
strike to discontinue working at until certain conditions are met. [1/31 definitions]