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Dictionary Suite
ascendancy the state of being in a dominant position; dominance.
ascendant a position of dominance or superiority. [1/4 definitions]
conquer to gain dominance over by overcoming obstacles. [1/4 definitions]
imperialism the policy of extending the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or political dominance. [1/3 definitions]
machismo masculinity as displayed in courage, assertiveness, and dominance, esp. over women.
macho embodying or demonstrating a conception of masculinity emphasizing strength, assertiveness, and dominance. [1/2 definitions]
militarism excessive dominance or control of government by a military class. [1/3 definitions]
reign complete and pervasive dominance, or the period during which such dominance is exercised. [1/5 definitions]
whip hand a position of dominance; advantage. [1/2 definitions]