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act to behave with pretense, either playfully or to deceive. [1/14 definitions]
adrenal gland either of two small glands of different shapes, located above the kidneys, that secrete adrenaline and various steroid hormones.
Aleut either of two languages related to Eskimo and spoken by such natives. [1/2 definitions]
alligator either of two large crocodilian reptiles found in China and the southeastern United States and distinguished by their short broad snouts.
ambassador a high-ranking official sent by one nation to another either to carry out a specific diplomatic mission or to serve in residence there. [1/3 definitions]
America either of the two continents of the western hemisphere. [1/3 definitions]
anastomose to connect, either by natural branching growth or by surgery (parts of a blood vessel, nerve, or any branching system).
Angora (often l.c.) yarn or fabric made from either of these kinds of hair, often blended with wool. [1/4 definitions]
angostura bark the bitter, strong-smelling bark of either of two South American rue trees, used in medicine and as a flavoring in bitters.
annex a building, either attached or separate, added to an existing one. [1/4 definitions]
antimere either of the corresponding parts that can be the result of dividing an animal symmetrically.
antiparticle in physics, either of two subatomic particles that have the same mass, spin, degree of charge, and magnetic moment but that have opposite signs of charge and directions of magnetic moment and whose collision causes mutual annihilation.
arm1 either of the two upper limbs of the human body, between the shoulders and the wrists. [1/3 definitions]
arm wrestling a contest in which each of two opponents places either the right or the left elbow on a table with the forearm vertical, clasps the opponent's hand, and tries to force the opponent's hand back until it touches the table; Indian wrestling.
arytenoid of or pertaining to either of a pair of small cartilages at the back of the larynx to which the vocal chords are attached. [1/3 definitions]
asymmetric different, esp. in arrangement of space, on either side of a center line; not symmetrical; unbalanced.
auricle an earlike projection of either of the two upper chambers of the heart, or one of the chambers itself; atrium. [1/3 definitions]
ball1 a round or oval object, either hollow or solid and commonly used in sports and games. [1/7 definitions]
barbecue the apparatus, either fixed or portable, on which such a meal is cooked. [1/4 definitions]
barrel organ a portable musical instrument consisting of a cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that either open valves to a series of pipes or strike metal tongues when the cylinder is rotated; hand organ.
base line the line at either end of a tennis court that marks the back boundary. [1/3 definitions]