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abash to cause to feel embarrassed, uneasy, or ashamed.
ashamed not wanting to do something because of a fear of feeling shame or being embarrassed. [1/3 definitions]
awkward embarrassed or embarrassing. [1/3 definitions]
cheap ashamed; embarrassed. [1/8 definitions]
constraint embarrassed reserve. [1/4 definitions]
dirty linen private matters that one would be embarrassed or ashamed to have made public.
embarrassment the condition of being embarrassed. [1/3 definitions]
foolish embarrassed. [1/3 definitions]
for shame! you should feel embarrassed or guilty about your action.
sore causing or likely to cause a person to be embarrassed or annoyed. [1/5 definitions]
squirm to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. [1/3 definitions]
titter to laugh or giggle in a restrained, nervous, or embarrassed way. [1/2 definitions]
unembarrassed combined form of embarrassed.
wither to cause to feel embarrassed. [1/3 definitions]