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Dictionary Suite
absorbing very interesting; engaging.
active engaging in activity rather than relaxing, sleeping, or being dormant. [1/7 definitions]
clutch1 a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging two shafts or other moving parts of an engine, as in an automobile. [1/9 definitions]
cosplay the activity of wearing clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with a particular character in a movie, comic book, or the like. In addition, cosplay involves roleplay along with others who are engaging in cosplay. Cosplay developed in Japan and is practiced by fans of Japanese anime both in Japan and in other countries.
dissipated engaging in, or marked by the bad effects of, overindulgence in pleasure. [1/2 definitions]
engagement the act of engaging or state of being engaged. [1/3 definitions]
flagrante delicto while engaging in sexual activity. [1/2 definitions]
Medgar Evers American civil rights activist during the 1950s and early sixties. Evers worked to desegregate Mississippi schools, set up voter registration drives, helped organize economic boycotts of white businesses engaging in discrimination, and investigated crimes against black citizens. He was assassinated by a member of a white supremacist group in 1963. (b. 1925--d. 1963).
obsessive-compulsive of or relating to having unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions), and engaging in repetitive and uncontrollable behaviors (compulsions). [1/3 definitions]
obsessive-compulsive disorder a mental disorder characterized by having unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions), and/or engaging in repetitive and uncontrollable behaviors (compulsions); OCD.
philanthropy collective efforts made to do good for others, esp. in the form of making monetary donations or engaging in charitable works. [1/3 definitions]
prostitute one who earns money by engaging in sexual relations with others for a fee. [1/4 definitions]
race-baiting engaging in verbal abuse of members of another race, esp. in front of a group of people of one's own race in order to agitate and sway.
racist accepting of or engaging in discrimination against members of a particular race or races. [1/3 definitions]
rec the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime; recreation.
rec. abbreviation of "recreation," the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime.
reminiscent of, characterized by, or engaging in reminiscence. [1/2 definitions]
satirical engaging in or given to satire. [1/2 definitions]
speculative engaging in or inclined to contemplative or theoretical thinking. [1/4 definitions]
sport mockery or ridicule, or the pleasure that one may take from engaging in such. [1/10 definitions]
strategy comprehensive planning of large military, or military-like, movements and operations in conducting warfare or engaging in competition. [1/3 definitions]