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Dictionary Suite
action-adventure a genre of films, video games, and the like having an exciting undertaking involving risk and danger as its main story line, and involving one or more heroes engaged in a series of physical challenges. [1/2 definitions]
action-packed of a film, video, story, or the like, filled with scenes depicting action, danger, and exciting events.
adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
adventurous exciting; full of risks. [1/2 definitions]
boring2 dull; not interesting or exciting.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events. [1/2 definitions]
cool (informal) great, especially in a way that is new, exciting, or clever. [1/9 definitions]
dashing bold and gallant; exciting; daring. [1/2 definitions]
dramatic out of the ordinary; exciting. [1/2 definitions]
dramatize to make exciting or dramatic, sometimes by exaggerating. [1/2 definitions]
driving aggressively forward-moving; highly active; exciting. [1/2 definitions]
electric exciting; thrilling. [1/3 definitions]
excitation the act of exciting or condition of being excited.
extreme sport one of a set of somewhat risky sports, such as downhill mountain biking, snowboarding, ice climbing, and bungee jumping, that tend to feature speed, height, dangerous depths, or exciting stunts, most often pursued by young adults.
glamour the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive.
hard-core of pornography, detailed, explicit, and having no purpose other than the exciting of sexual impulses. [1/2 definitions]
hortatory urging or exciting to some course of action with strong arguments, appeals, or advice.
inspiration a burst of creative thought; a great or exciting idea. [1/4 definitions]
lascivious exciting or expressing lust. [1/2 definitions]
laughable exciting laughter or derision.
lively gay or exciting. [1/4 definitions]