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diplomatic immunity exemption from local laws, granted to diplomatic personnel and their dependents while in a foreign country.
dispensation an exemption or release from some obligation or rule, granted by some authority, or the document making such a grant, esp. an exemption from a religious law or vow, granted by church authority. [1/3 definitions]
dispense to grant a release or exemption. [1/4 definitions]
extraterritoriality political or legal exemption of foreigners from local jurisdiction, such as is granted to diplomats.
impunity exemption or immunity from harm, esp. punishment or retribution, as a result of one's actions or words.
indemnity a legal exemption from liability or penalty incurred. [1/3 definitions]
privilege to grant a privilege, immunity, or exemption to. [1/3 definitions]
reprieve a temporary exemption, as from pain or difficulty. [1/4 definitions]