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at wits' end having exhausted every conceivable method or approach.
beat (informal) very tired; exhausted. [1/15 definitions]
blown breathless or exhausted, as from exertion. [1/5 definitions]
blue in the face exhausted from excessive effort or activity.
broken in low vitality; weakened; exhausted. [1/9 definitions]
dead extremely worn-out; exhausted. [1/16 definitions]
done in (informal) extremely tired, physically or mentally; exhausted.
drawn of the face, pale, weakened, or exhausted in appearance. [1/2 definitions]
drop to sink down as if exhausted or hurt. [1/17 definitions]
exhaustion the act of exhausting, or state of being exhausted. [1/2 definitions]
fag to make weary or exhausted; tire (often fol. by "out"). [1/4 definitions]
faint exhausted, dizzy, or on the brink of losing consciousness. [1/5 definitions]
give out to become completely exhausted or used up. [1/3 definitions]
gone used up; finished; exhausted. [1/9 definitions]
haggard wasted, exhausted, or wild in appearance, as from hunger, deprivation, or anxiety.
jaded weary and worn, esp. from hard work; exhausted. [1/3 definitions]
limp2 lacking strength or vitality; weak; exhausted. [1/2 definitions]
poop2 (informal) to cause to become exhausted.
poop out to become exhausted. [1/2 definitions]
prostrate overcome or exhausted. [1/6 definitions]
renewable (often pl.) a source of energy that cannot be exhausted through human use, such as sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, or water flow. [1/2 definitions]