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Dictionary Suite
antifeminine combined form of feminine.
dressmaker not simply or severely tailored, but in a style considered soft and feminine. [1/2 definitions]
effeminate of a man or boy, having qualities of appearance, manner, or behavior conventionally associated with feminine rather than masculine gender; unmanly.
fem. abbreviation of "feminine."
female of or pertaining to female persons or to feminine qualities or behavior. [1/4 definitions]
feminine in grammar, the feminine gender, or a word in this gender. [1/4 definitions]
feminize to make or become feminine.
gender a system in many languages in which nouns fall into two or more groups, such as masculine, feminine, or neuter, the members of each group sharing grammatical features such as inflections and pronoun equivalents. [1/3 definitions]
-ina used to form feminine names, titles, descriptions, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
-ine2 used as an ending of feminine nouns, names, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
neuter in grammar, neither feminine nor masculine with respect to gender. [1/9 definitions]
sister something considered feminine and connected as if by a family bond to another, such as a ship or one of the mythical Fates. [1/4 definitions]
ultrafeminine combined form of feminine.
unfeminine combined form of feminine.
womanish characteristic of or suitable for a woman; feminine or effeminate.
womanly possessing the qualities considered to be desirable in or befitting a woman; feminine.
yin (sometimes cap.) in Chinese dualistic philosophy, the dark, negative, passive, feminine force in the universe and in individual beings. (Cf. yang.)