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assai2 a small slender palm tree native to Brazil that bears edible fleshy purple fruit. [1/2 definitions]
backside (informal) the fleshy portion of the body upon which one sits; buttocks. [1/2 definitions]
banana the long, curved, fleshy fruit of any of several tropical treelike plants. [1/2 definitions]
baneberry a plant of the buttercup family that bears white flowers and fleshy poisonous red or white berries. [1/2 definitions]
baobab a large African tree with a trunk up to thirty feet thick and large, gourd-like, fleshy-centered fruits.
beet a plant whose leaves and fleshy dark red root can be eaten.
berry in botany, a fleshy fruit with a seed or seeds embedded in the pulp, such as the grape, currant, or tomato. [1/5 definitions]
bitterroot a plant found in western North America that bears showy pink or white flowers and has a fleshy edible root.
bloodroot a North American spring wildflower that bears a single white flower and has a fleshy red root that yields a toxic red sap.
breast either of two fleshy protuberances on the human chest, usu. more pronounced on females than on males, having a nipple at the center. [1/6 definitions]
bryony any of several perennial vines of the gourd family, having fleshy roots and bearing greenish flowers, the juice of which has been used to cause vomiting and bowel movement.
buttock (usually plural) the rounded, fleshy part of the human body behind the hips; rear end.
cactus a leafless, fleshy-stemmed, often prickly plant that grows in hot, dry regions of America.
capsicum any of numerous pepper plants related to nightshade that bear fleshy green, yellow, or red edible pods in many varieties from mild to hot. [1/2 definitions]
century plant a desert agave, once believed to flower only once in a century, with fleshy leaves and a very tall stem on which greenish flowers appear every ten to twenty years.
cere a waxy, fleshy, often brightly colored area at the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as some parrots, eagles, or hawks, that contains the nostrils.
Christmas cactus a Brazilian cactus with flat fleshy spineless stems that is widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy red flowers.
comb the fleshy crest on the head of chickens and other birds. It is easiest to notice on male birds, such as roosters. [1/5 definitions]
dieffenbachia any of various poisonous tropical plants, grown as houseplants, characterized by fleshy jointed stems and large dark green leaves with white spots.
dock2 the solid or fleshy part of an animal's tail, or the part remaining after the tail has been clipped. [1/3 definitions]
drupe any of numerous fleshy fruits, such as the apricot, cherry, peach, or almond, usu. having one hard stone.