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Dictionary Suite
confrere a fellow member of a profession, fraternity, or the like.
frat (informal) fraternity.
fraternal of, related to, or constituting a men's association organized for social or philanthropic purposes, such as a college fraternity. [1/2 definitions]
Greek (informal) a member of a fraternity, sorority, or the like, the name of which is Greek letters. [1/6 definitions]
Greek-letter of, pertaining to, or designating a society, such as a fraternity or sorority, whose name consists of Greek letters.
housemother a woman whose occupation is supervising a residence for children or students, esp. a dormitory, fraternity, or sorority.
house party the entertainment of guests overnight or for several days in a home, vacation residence, fraternity house, or the like.
interfraternity combined form of fraternity.
pledge a person newly accepted into and not yet having the full privileges of membership in a private club, fraternity, or the like. [2/10 definitions]