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Dictionary Suite
ascend to go upward; climb; rise. [2 definitions]
climb to go up by foot. [1/5 definitions]
footstep something on which to step to go up or down. [1/4 definitions]
merry-go-round a round platform that turns by the power of a machine and has seats in the form of animals that go up and down on poles. People pay for rides on a merry-go-round. [1/2 definitions]
scale3 anything that one may ascend or go up. [1/10 definitions]
seesaw a type of play structure made up of a long board attached to and supported by a device in the middle. Although the board is attached, it is allowed to move so that people sitting on each end can alternately go up and down through the air.
stoop2 a raised flat area at the entrance to a house. You usually go up some steps to reach the stoop.
take off to go up into the air. [1/2 definitions]